Update from Mears Family Funerals 17th May 2021
Update from Mears Family Funerals
We are here to help
Guidance for families who arranging and attending a funeral has now been updated, to reflect the changes to restrictions on funerals in England as part Step 3 of the roadmap for lifting lockdown introduced today (17th May 2021).
The key changes are:
- Change from capacity limit of 30 at a funeral to no numerical maximum but rather limits defined by the risk assessment of the venue, based on enabling 2 metre social distancing between individuals within the venue, whether inside or outside.
- Increase from 15 to up to 30 attendees permitted at commemorative events.
- Changes to social distancing advice where attendees, with considering of the risk, can choose to have close contact with friends and family during the service.
- Event organisers / venue managers therefore need to enable social distancing as opposed to ensure social distancing between those attending the event.
- Tweaks to advice for clinically extremely vulnerable people in line with changes to social distancing advice.
As we have done so since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, we strive to provide our funeral services as normal, but always in line with government advice to protect the health and safety of the families we serve and our members of staff. As a result of the easing of restrictions today we have been able to make the following changes with immediate effect:
- Our limousines will now carry six mourners from up to two households. We ask that masks are worn whilst in the limousine and that mourners use the provide hand sanitizer.
- Our chapels of rest are available for families to view their loved ones on an appointment-only basis for a maximum of five people from up to two households whilst maintaining social distancing.
As guidelines from Government, local authorities and individual crematoria and cemeteries are being regularly updated please speak to your local branch for the latest advice.
Please rest assured that my team and I are here to help you and we remain available 24 hours a day - if you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lisa McDermott
Managing Director

For more information about our funeral services and the options that are available, please click on the button.