Simple Cremation Service from Mears of Aylesbury over £850 less than National Average
Simple Cremation Service from Mears of Aylesbury Over £860 less than National Average
18th January 2022 by Mears of Aylesbury
The cost of a simple cremation funeral arranged with Mears of Aylesbury is just £2,902[1], £863 less than the average UK cost of £3,765 as revealed in the latest SunLife ‘Cost of Dying’ report[2].
In addition, a direct cremation arranged with Mears of Aylesbury is just £995 - over £650 or nearly 40% less than the average UK cost of £1,647 according to the SunLife 2022 report.
Philippa Smith, General Manager, said: "Mears of Aylesbury has established itself in the heart of Aylesbury as an independent, family-owned funeral directors that delivered high quality funerals at a cost lower than many others can, or will, offer. The latest SunLife report that shows we are over £860 less than the UK average demonstrates our commitment to delivering real value for money to the residents of Aylesbury and the surrounding communities."

A Simple Funeral from Mears of Aylesbury is a lower cost option than the bespoke option, but there is no compromise in the care of your loved one or any downgrade to the services we provide. Unlike some of the national providers, we will bring your loved one to the crematorium in a traditional hearse from our new hybrid fleet, you will be looked after on the day by one of our experienced funeral directors and uniformed bearers.
Steven Mears, group CEO, said: “The Mears brand has always been synonymous with high quality funerals at low prices. We are committed to delivering value for money and the very best service to the communities we serve. Mears of Aylesbury now provides real choice at a cost significantly less than the UK average and that of other funeral directors in the area. ”
Mears of Aylesbury is a leading independent, family-owned and run business located in the heart of Aylesbury, serving communities across Buckinghamshire.
1. Our Simple Service as shown on
2. SunLife Cost of Dying Report 2022,
More information can be found on the Mears of Aylesbury website